All You Need To Know About Audio Engineers

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Finding The Right Audio Visual Equipment

Few things are more frustrating than investing a lot of money into home improvements, only to find out that your investments weren't as sound as you originally thought they were. For example, I purchased what I thought was a really high-end sound system a few years ago, only to discover that the speakers produced dull, boring music. To make things right, I started researching audio-visual equipment and looking for ways to make things right. I was able to invest in better products, and it has impacted our experience for the better. This blog is all about finding better audio-visual equipment.


All You Need To Know About Audio Engineers

12 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Are you interested in sound production for a film or music project? Then you will require the services of an audio engineer. In case you are not an expert in the field, this post provides critical insights into the work of sound engineers. 

What Is an Audio Engineer? 

An audio engineer is also known as a sound engineer or sound technician. The professionals have in-depth knowledge and skills in audio software and hardware. Thus, they specialize in recording and processing audio files or mixing music and sound effects. Many audio engineers work in the music and film industry supporting other technicians to accomplish artistic projects. 

Types of Audio Engineers 

The following are different types of sound engineers based on their day-day work: 

  • Studio engineers – they support producers in recording and broadcast stations 
  • Recording engineers – they specialize in recording audio for music or sound effects 
  • Mic engineers – mix pre-recorded music to create a new soundtrack 
  • Mastering engineers – they smoothen out audio outputs from mix engineers 
  • Live sound engineers – they use their knowledge of acoustic to produce quality sound during live performances 
  • Audio design engineers - they harmonize the output of live sound engineers 
  • Audio post engineers – they specialize in mixing and manipulating audio for the screen 

Why Do You Need an Audio Engineer? 

Audio engineers are very flexible and can provide support in and out of the studio. 

Selecting Sound Equipment

Audio engineers help in selecting the most appropriate equipment for a sound project. Ordinarily, there are different types of recording microphones. For instance, some microphones can only pick the sound that is close to the capsule. Yet, others record audio within a wider radius or several feet from the capsule. Thus, you need a sound engineer to assess the microphone capability and place the capsule strategically. In addition, sound engineers assist in choosing and managing other audio hardware. 

Managing External Recorders 

Technological advancement has streamlined the process of recording audio for video output. Modern cameras can embed audio directly into a digital video file. However, an expert producer knows that you still require an audio engineer to handle external recorders. With external recorders, you can get quality sound than camera microphones and have a backup if remote cameras break or the audio feed is unclear. 

Site Selection 

Sound engineers are instrumental when scouting for a production site. Typically, there are audio factors to consider when selecting a new production location. For instance, you must identify potential noise from traffic, planes, wind, animals, and schools. With a sound engineer, it is possible to spot the noise and pre-plan how you phase it out during production. Thus, an audio engineer acts as a quality assurance officer in pre-production planning.  

Editing Sound

The most significant role of an audio engineer is to manage sound. Usually, it is hard to monitor and control sound during recording. There is often noise in audio files, such as a cough, whizzing, or bang. Hence, an audio engineer listens to the files, edits unexpected sounds, and calls for a re-shoot. 

Make sure you hire an audio engineer for a live show, music, or video shoot. An experienced sound technician guarantees a return on investment through a quality audio output.